“The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better.” - Robert F. Kennedy


For our nation to move forward into a ‘New Frontier’, we must listen to, lift up, and engage women, community-by-community, to register and turn out the next generation of voters. This includes women in both rural and urban areas that are struggling to support their families, earn a good wage, and get ahead in our increasingly difficult economy.

This includes standing up for health care access in both our urban neighborhoods and small rural communities. This means supporting entrepreneurial women that start, grow, and sustain small businesses. And we can’t have move forward into a New Frontier unless we recognize that rural, urban, BIPOC communities and #BlackLivesMatter.

Supporting rural communities should include:

  • Delivering on infrastructure, jobs, education, and health care in ways that set communities up for success and sustainable long-term economic growth and development. Educational opportunity, 21st Century infrastructure, and access to affordable health care are the foundation for making communities stronger.

  • Recognizing there is more that should bring us together than keep us apart. That recognition starts at the local level with community organizing, leadership development, civic engagement, and encouraging participation in the electoral process.
